Monday 12 September 2016

The wild life in India has a very rich diversity showcasing some of the rarest of the rare wild life species. I recently toured India along with my friends and had a chance to watch famed Indian tigers and one horned rhinoceros among many other species.

The occasion of watching the famed Indian tiger in front of my eyes was the most memorable as I had never seen this majestic beast in front of my eyes before. Our itinerary consisted of visiting Bandhavgarh, Pench and Kanha national parks which are famous world over for tiger sightings.

At first, fear was mounting on us but later this emotion changed into awe as we witnessed the sheer splendour and majesty of tigers in Kanha Park. The call of the deer, birds and monkeys in the background is still echoing. I think maximum of 12 days are needed to closely watch the behaviour of these rare tigers. Having visited many countries as a tourist I think India wildlife tours offer special extra by showcasing exotic and rare animals endemic to it. After spending a week there we moved on for a bird tour.

Visiting Bharatpur bird sanctuary is a must to witness an array of rare and famous birds. Fortunately our itinerary also included a visit to this famed park. The folks here offer cycle rickshaw ride for bird excursions which makes the tour more pleasurable. We had our binoculars and cameras ready to watch and take mystifying and rare shots of birds in their full charm. It was astonishing to learn that India has 1200 bird species and has about 20 orders and 77 families of birds, a huge for a country. We were surprised when we saw Sarus cranes running on a highway just in front of our vehicle. The calmness of these birds was endearing. From time to time our driver would stop so that we could observe the cranes and egrets from close range.

We had a rare chance of watching great Indian bustard, a famous Indian bird which is on the verge of extinction. You can find this threatened bird in full glory in desert national park in Rajasthan. It was sad to learn that this bird species has only 250 members left in the wild.

The last leg of our wild life tour in India culminated at Kaziranga National park in Assam were we saw one horned rhino. Assam rhinoceros are the largest rhino in Asia and is also called the great one horned rhino. Our guide told us that the rhino had once become threatened species because of a large scale poaching of this animal by locals. The rhino was poached for its horn, he said. The poaching has since been banned and its population has risen to appreciable levels.

In short the Wildlife tour to India was a great experience which we will remember for a long time to come.  
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